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There is also the Universal Clipboard that allows you to copy from one device and paste it on another device effortlessly. If you are always working with big files and you need to find a file that you recently worked on but you cannot remember the name of the file, just ask Siri to locate the file for you and in some few seconds, it will bring up all your recent files. Siri can help locate your files while you attend to other things. The introduction of Siri is one of the major additions to the new Mac OS. You can now seamlessly work between devices and make the most out of your Mac device.

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This update comes with a lot of new and exciting ways to help you with your day to day activities on your Mac device. It is intuitive, powerful and comes with a lot of useful features for the benefits of all Mac users. iOS is too limited.Apple MacOS Sierra - Скачать Apple MacOS Sierra, версия 10.12

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What we use today on PCs/Macs is really no different and in many ways is IDENTICAL.Īs of today, and after 8 months of owning a 128 GB iPad Pro 12.9″, I’m selling it. But go back and watch the Xerox Parc video from the 1970s showcasing the personal computer they invented. All devices wirelessly connect to this future computer, where the OS is designed for all of this stuff. Think the desk in Tron, melded with a large transparent screen, where you can use multi-touch on the desk surface and see things on the screen. The Surface Studio PC is an expression of this, but Windows sucks and we need more. Will revolutionize the blending of multiple input methods like multi-touch, speech, pen input, keyboard, mouse… This will usher in a new desktop and new class of devices. We need a completely new operating system.

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The two different worlds of iOS and Mac OS X is straining for the user cumbersome for developers and, limits the kinds of devices Apple can make for either OS. Apple is once again, like it was under Sculley, faced with the problem of having to do a new operating system. His is nothing more than a little bandaid. More info about and download link for Apple’s free Workflow app here.Īpple’s Workflow acquisition is a powerful tool for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch – March 23, 2017Īpple acquires Workflow and its amazing app – March 23, 2017

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MacDailyNews Take: We expect to hear more about automation in iOS, watchOS, macOS, and, possibly, tvOS, at WWDC 2017 in June!

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Much more in the full article – recommended – here. “If Workflow were integrated into iOS with a system for third-party app integration, it could become a powerful, easy-to-use automation tool.” One big missing puzzle piece for the iPad’s professional future is system-wide automation,” Centers writes. “Despite declining sales growth, Apple appears committed to the iPad as the future of computing, releasing products like the iPad Pro, accessories like the Apple Pencil and Smart Keyboard, and iPad-only apps like Swift Playgrounds. For instance, you can use Workflow to send your estimated time of arrival to a friend, upload photos, or shorten a URL.” “You can use it to perform actions in supported apps automatically. “As you may recall, the Apple Design Award-winning Workflow is an automation app for iOS in the same vein as Automator on the Mac,” Centers writes. “Apple has now purchased Workflow and the team behind it.” “When I wrote ‘ Workflow Is the Next Step for iOS Automation‘ (21 December 2014), I had no idea how literal that title would prove to be,” Josh Centers writes for TidBITS.

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